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It was felt that the deck-cabin
log-book should contain a record
of this fish story, one sufficiently
brief to admit of the making of
suitable additions, imaginative
and otherwise, by anyone calling
attention to the entry. Students
of Pickwick will remember that
certain meat pies referred to by
Mr. Sam Weller were very simply
compounded in the first instance
and were afterwards flavoured
** accordin' to fancy," and this
seemed the proper course to pur-
sue in this case. Hence the
record took the following simple —
very simple — shape : —
A 6sh from a lady's line took
Clean away both her bait and her hook,
But a friend within call
Caught that fish — hook and all.
Who was dished, with his hopes, by the
Which it was !
What's more, he was actually
eaten within an hour and a-half of
the crowning act of the drama.
Next day, being Sunday, till
church time each one did as he
listed, which meant watching the
gulls, dodging the wasps, and
feeling supremely happy and con-
tented between whiles. One
advantage of living aboard a
yacht Purchase Cyclophosphamide is the change of view one
gets, even when you are at anchor,
without the trouble of shifting
oneself. From the front window
of any ordinary house you always
find the same old view staring you
in the face in the evening as was
doing so in the morning, and this
applies equally to the back of the
domicile. But, when you con-
template nature from the deck,
you see a very different view in
the evening to that which met
your gaze in the earlier part of
the day, 'cos why — the vessel has
swung round with the tide in the
meantime. This makes a very
pleasant change, though it mysti-
fied me a bit at first when I took
people up from the saloon in the
morning to show them something
which I had seen from the fore
part of the ship the previous
evening, and found that it had
gone round aft in the meantime.
After church aboard, the family
carriage, otherwise the cutter, was
brought round to take us out to
lunch with an old Eton and Cam-
bridge chum of the Admiral's.
We returned in time to welcome
some guests at afternoon tea, and
wound up by fulfilling a supper
engagement ashore. From all
which it may be inferred that
stepping aboard a yacht is by no
means equivalent to " going into
retreat,*' so far as the outer world
is concerned.
The following afternoon we
started for Portland, and when
we were well out at sea I became
possessed with the idea that I
should like to navigate the yacht
myself, if only for a few minutes,
in order that I might ever after-
wards say that I had done so.
As the atmosphere was clear and
there was nothing between us and
the horizon, the moment seemed
favourable for this; so I ap-
proached the skipper with the
remark that I presumed it was
pretty easy to run the yacht in
the open sea, as long as you knew
which way you were going. He
promptly took the hint, and gave
place to me at the wheel, whilst
the Admiral helped me with some
directions as to the course to be
steered, which involved too many
intricate references to the points
of the compass for me to take note
of any of them. However, I
grasped the main idea, viz., to
keep my eye and a particular point
of the compass on the lubber's
line, which is easier said than
done. In the five minutes dmiai
which I controlled her movemcDis
the vessel answered to thebehi
in a most satisfactory way, zd
we neither ran ashore nor collided Order Cyclophosphamide
with any other craft, which Buy Cheap Cyclophosphamide vs
not altogether surprising in view
of the fact that there was no laad
in sight nor vessel within bai
Therefore, could I, at the finii
confidently and poetically assic
the skipper^s enquiry, " Hot
goes the ship ? '* with " All rig^
sir, up till no^v — the stem, as
usual, following the bow."
A fine spectacle met our cy«s
as, when twilight was falling, vt
came in sight of Portland Break-
water, for anchored within it vas
the Channel Fleet, and \&j
majestic these leviathans of the
deep looked as we steamed
through them.
On deck after dinner we were
entertained by the performaDoes
of the band, which was weD
within hearing, on board the
Boscawen training-ship. It viS
a bright starlight night, and the
many lights on the men-of-war
and the breakwater, with the
more distant ones of Weymouth,
further helped to illuminate tfe
scene very effectively ; and ^
lingered in contemplation of it
till the bugles sounded the last
I was on deck next morning
betimes, and at 8 a.m. saw the
flags run up on the ships around,
as well as on our own, to the
accompaniment of the National
Anthem by the Boscawen band-
a very pretty method of saluting
the Queen and the mom at one
and the same time. Later on we
beheld the fleet move out to sea
in due form and order; and a
grand sight it was, Purchase Cyclophosphamide Online as they ffl^
out of the breakwater with a ca/m
dignity which was very imposing-
After this some of us went ^
the cutter to see the Whitehead
Torpedo Works, Order Cyclophosphamide Online which are
situated just beyond Weymouth,
'where a high official very kindly
devoted a considerable time to
showing us over a bewildering
number of workshops, and to
explaining all that it was ex-
p>edient for us to know with
respect to the manufacture of
these weapons of marine warfare.
They are, indeed, ** fearfully and
wonderfully made," for the
amount of machinery and the
multiplicity of delicate Buy Cyclophosphamide adjust-
ments to be found in their in-
teriors passes all description by
a non-practical man like myself.
It seemed extraordinary that
hundreds of skilled artisans
should be constantly employed
in turning out nothing else but
these implements of destruction.